The Ogre of Oglefort by Eva Ibbotson
Release date: August 2011 ( I won the ARC from Shannon Whitney Messenger--love that girl.)
Other books by this author:
Secret of Platform 13
Island of the Aunts
Which Witch?
Journey to the River Sea
The Dragonfly Pool
The Great Ghost Rescue
The Hook: When a princess has gone missing and an ogre is to blame, it's up to a hag, a troll, a wizard and an orphan to save her.
Why I really enjoyed this book: Flipping stereotypes and a bit with a dog. The story almost immediately flips when there's a princess who would rather collect bugs and be turned into a bird instead of marrying a prince. There's also a hospitable hag, a helpful ogre, a poor prince, and a wizard chef. I kept asking myself what's going to happen next because everything I predicted was completely off and I was pleasantly surprised with each chapter. This book is definitely for younger middle graders (I dropped it on my 9-yr-old's TBR pile but even my 7-yr-old could read this). Kids who love Roald Dahl will love this story. Great for both boys and girls.
Want More: Eva Ibbotson died last October at the age of 85. Read her son's interview about her legacy or read her interview at Indiebound.
Other MMGMers:
I'm in a scary book phase, although this wasn't even sorta scary. Do you read in genre clumps? If so, what genre are you addicted to right now?