Wednesday, March 9, 2011

She's Crafty: Developing Characters

I have two manuscripts finished. With both stories, plot came to me first, then I had to develop the characters. I have a 3rd story in progress, but mostly just the characters. This time my MC came to me first. I haven't quite figured out the details of her plot.

When you find a story to write, what comes to you first: plot or character?

Top Ten Blog Posts on Developing Characters
My favorite character right now is Katniss from The Hunger Games series. I'm so excited for the movie, and they don't even have a cast yet. Who's your favorite character from a book?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love Hunger Games! I zipped through that book in a day. Now, my favorite character wasn't Katniss. I mean I liked her and all, but I loved Petah.

    For me it tend to be the character that comes to me. It almost happen in a schizophrenic kind of way--I hear voices. They nag at me.

    I'm not a plotter. I write by the seat of my pants, which I love. The characters guide the story.
